Is this the end of in-meeting note-taking? Revolutionises Meetings with “Connected Spaces” – A New Era in Collaboration., an innovator in the world of workplace productivity and collaboration, presents an extraordinary leap into the future with its pioneering Connected Spaces feature. This transformative addition to’s suite promises to redefine the way people collaborate, making meetings more efficient, productive and focused. is set to transform the world of meetings.

The problem is that meetings have long been broken. Too often, meetings create information silos and fragmented knowledge, which leads to misalignment across teams – impacting the quality and velocity of decision-making. Connected Spaces provides the solution. where notes become actions.

People have always relied on note-taking in meetings for a number of reasons. Notes aid memory, guide discussions and provide references for future meetings, ensuring accountability and promoting more organised systems. In essence, note-taking has been seen as a key aspect of effective communication and collaboration.

The new wave of AI note-takers have marked a huge step forward in the meeting space, fundamentally transforming engagement by eliminating the need for meticulous note-taking and empowering participants to fully engage in discussions. However, these notes often remain inaccessible, lying dormant or lacking the extra context that comes from knowledge fragmented across productivity tools such as Slack or JIRA. As a result, they are not effectively utilised to enhance future discussions and actions.

Notes themselves are not enough.

Imagine a future where note-taking as we currently know it becomes obsolete. Instead, we enter a world where contextual reminders seamlessly appear in the context of ongoing conversations regarding past discussions, decisions and actions. is your Co-pilot for more efficient meetings – a Co-pilot that assists by surfacing the untapped reservoir of insights that sit across meetings, ensuring that relevant information is always readily available during discussions – all the right detail, right when you need it.

Introducing’s Connected Spaces.

Connected Spaces by isn’t a passive addition to meeting rooms; it’s a new Co-pilot that revolutionises your meetings. Connected Spaces introduces a paradigm shift in the way teams collaborate so that everyone is on the same page, every time. During meetings, actively listens, understands and assists – with reminders appearing right there, in the heart of the conversation, allowing for connected, collaborative communication that expedites and improves decision-making.

As’s CEO Matthew Dewstowe explains, “With Connected Spaces, everyone has all the information they need, every time, meaning actions don’t get dropped, decisions remain crystal clear and there’s a single, easily-accessible source of truth throughout. Newcomers are easily onboarded to previous conversations, topics are tracked, and there’s a continuous thread across connected conversations.”

For more information about and its Connected Spaces feature, please visit