Northamptonshire developer Barratt Homes has recently released two new show homes at its Bertone Gardens development in Barton Seagrave, one of which features a gaming room that will top the leaderboards amongst teenagers.

B&DWC – 025 – The gaming themed bedroom in the Warwick show home at Bertone Gardens

The five bedroom Warwick show home has its ‘game on’ when it came to creating the perfect teenage den. One bedroom includes an ‘Eat, Sleep, Game, Repeat’ poster and a ‘One More Game’ cushion. It also has a large controller that is backlit with led lights that completes the theme.

The Warwick and Helmsley show homes, which are now open on an appointment-only basis, were expertly designed and styled by well-known interior designers Artspace, meaning homebuyers can be assured they will be up to date with the latest trends.

Lydia Graham, Client Service Manager at Artspace, said: “The Warwick has a classic contemporary feel with a luxury touch through the additions for chrome and glass furniture along with lots of plush textures. The Helmsley is a contemporary, on-trend show home with bold patterns and colours throughout.

“In the Warwick we used various tones of green and blue which really complement each other and are both versatile colours, so can be calming or really punchy! The ivory and taupe were added to keep the show home as light as possible. In the Helmsley, we used teal and mustard that work well and balance each other. Teal can be a cold colour so the mustard warms it up.

“The overall feel in the Warwick felt aspirational yet homely, it has an inviting feel and each room has a wow factor. The gaming room in the home is really cool, and we think it will be a hit amongst teenagers. The kid’s bedroom in the Helmsley is great where it is vibrant with bold colours and a fun graffiti theme.”

Bertone Gardens is set to deliver a total of 200 properties over two phases, expanding on Hanwood Park which has already proven itself to be a flourishing, diverse community in East Kettering.

Will Phair, Sales Director at Barratt Homes Cambridgeshire, said: “Our show homes offer a vital visual tool for buyers to see the layout and practicality of a home style, alongside the high specification of the build.

“It’s always exciting to reveal a new show home and we hope these properties at Bertone Gardens will help buyers to envisage themselves living there.”