Energy boosting essentials from Tisserand Aromatherapy

Busy schedule? Want to make the most of your day? Understanding your circadian rhythm and using the powerful and uplifting essential oils found in Tisserand Aromatherapy’s Energy boost range, could be the key to increasing your energy levels and maximising production.

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Your daily energy-boosting guide Jo Kellett, Tisserand Aromatherapy Essential Oil Expert, shares her expert tips on how to increase your get up and go.

7am – 8am: Wake up with a zing!

Whatever your morning routine consists of, it’s bound to include a shower. “Tisserand Happy Vibes Bath & Shower Wash, £13 (400ml) is the perfect accompaniment,” says Jo Kellett, Tisserand Aromatherapy Essential Oil Expert. After you’ve washed, apply Tisserand Energy Boost Massage & Body Oil, £12 (100ml) in long fast strokes. This will encourage your circulation and increase your energy levels.

9am – 11.30am – Your power hours

Always tackle the most complicated tasks at the start of your day. Why? You tend to hit an ultradian cycle (as part of your circadian rhythm) as soon as you start your working day or schedule.

11.30am: late morning pick me up

Hit a low point? Take a mini-break and reboot by turning your attention to a variety of less focused tasks like meetings with colleagues, returning emails or daily chores. Try using Tisserand Aromatherapy Energy Boost Diffuser Oil, £8.50, (9ml) says Jo.

12pm: Pre-lunch push

Once your brain has finished its mini break, it’s likely that you will have a burst of productivity before you take your lunch but make sure you stop for food because many people get caught up at this time of day and push their lunch later and later. Set an alarm if you’re guilty of eating post 2.30pm, lunch dodging or eating at your desk.

1 – 3pm: Beat the afternoon slump

Our natural circadian rhythm makes us sleepy between 1-3pm. Invigorate your system is by drinking more water, eating fewer carbs at lunchtime and sitting outside for ten minutes to reset your internal clock. Jo advises pairing this with Tisserand Energy Boost MoodFix Mist, £11.00 (100ml).

2.55pm: Get up and go

This is said to be the least productive time of the day, so use this opportunity to get up and walk around and take a break from whatever you’re doing.

3pm: Be creative in the afternoon

Need to brainstorm ideas? Do it after lunch. Fatigue doesn’t pair well with spreadsheets, but it could increase your creative powers. Yes, really! Research suggests that less structured thoughts can lead to sudden inspiration or understanding when you’re tired. So, plan those idea meetings in the afternoon.

4pm: In need of an energy lift?

Jo says, “Try using Tisserand Aromatherapy Energy Boost Roller Ball, £7.50 (10ml) – it’s ideal for a quick fix of motivational energy.”

6pm: Down tools

“Avoid using uplifting fragrances post 6pm and switch to more calming aromas to ensure a restful sleep”, advises Jo.

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