Candid New Book Exposes Damage Done by Bad Boss Behaviors

If you recognize aspects of your own misguided management tactics between the covers of How to Tell if You’re an A**Hole Boss, you are the problem! But it’s never too late to course-correct, advises veteran HR consultant Tamica Sears.
“I’m here to walk you through a self-discovery process that will make you not just a better boss but also a better leader and a better person,” Sears proclaims. “Sometimes, the truth hurts, but nothing good comes from ducking reality.”
An HR professional with more than 20 years of experience, Sears has analyzed and mediated situations involving a broad spectrum of management behaviors. In How to Tell if You’re an A**Hole Boss, she pulls no punches while breaking down the good, the bad and the ugly using fictionalized stories based on real-life encounters with difficult bosses.
Along the way, she provides actionable tips and tools for engaging with teams, retaining top talent, creating healthy work environments and much more. Even managers with excellent track records will find that Sears’ wisdom will help them boost their own levels of performance and effectiveness.
Discussions focusing on the clues to bad behavior such as, “You Enter a Room, and People Stop Talking,” or, “Your Employees Seem Pissed Off All the Time for No Reason,” populate the book and are intended to spur self-reflection.
How to Tell if You’re an A**Hole Boss, a humorous yet brutally honest book for bosses brave enough to glance in the mirror, offers a path to corrective redemption and is applicable to anyone who aspires to a position of authority within any organization.
“Changing your behavior is entirely up to you,” Sears emphasizes. “But if you do have the will to pursue a more productive path, read this book and it’ll definitely help you create a better future for you, your family, your team and your company.”