What Did Jesus Say: Beautifully Illustrated Book Contains Over 500 Scriptures Spoken by Jesus Without Any Added Comments or Opinions

WDJS Book Company has recently re-launched What Did Jesus Say: The Seven Messages from the Master in full-color, paperback print. The book is also available in ePub, Kindle and audiobook formats.
The Seven Messages from the Master contains over 500 Bible verses spoken directly by Jesus as recorded in the red letter edition of the New King James Bible, organized by subject.
This “one-of-a-kind” book, composed by Terry Allan Christian, contains only scriptures spoken by Jesus, to those who loved and followed Him, without any added comments or opinions from the author. It also serves as a teaching devotional dedicated to everyone who wants to walk with Jesus, feel His presence, hear His words and understand His teachings.
What readers are saying:
“My life is changing at the impact of the What Did Jesus Say book. My walk in the Lord has taken a shift with more focus on the words of Jesus.” —Zimbabwe
“I can’t thank you enough for this book. It was handed to me at a time I was crying out to God to change my heart and really know the truth. Now I can say, by reading WDJS, I am walking in truth, and I don’t feel alone. Praise God.” —U.K
“I am fortunate to have read the WDJS eBook, and the layout and the pictures are outstanding. This book was profound and anointed.” —Australia
What members of the Christian media are saying:
“What Did Jesus Say is brief, but there is enough in this book to sustain a person for their entire lives.” — Goodreads Review
“I get thousands of books sent to me each year and we do three live book interviews Monday through Friday, over 700 a year, and I can say this book is ‘different.’ Rev. Christian has established an inarguable compelling case of evidence supporting the Seven Messages from the Master. This book is an extraordinary simple approach to an extraordinary complex topic, and establishes clearly, that Jesus is the Messiah.”
— Host of Igniting A Nation Radio
“This book is unique. Never, before, has a book been compiled giving the words of Jesus as He spoke in the Bible. Presented as a full color and beautifully illustrated e-book or paperback version with large, easy to read text, this book makes a perfect gift for anyone wanting to know Jesus and what He said. It’s nothing short of phenomenal and will impact your life as you become more like Jesus.”
—Host of Kingdom Crossroads Podcast
“I want to thank you for such an informative and powerful interview! It was an honor to be with you today and I can see God was the author of your book and you were simply His pen.”
— Host of Indie Beacon Radio
About the Author
Terry Allan Christian retired as a public speaker after feeling the Holy Spirit redirecting his life. He was led to do what Jesus told him many years earlier. He composed the book What Did Jesus Say: The Seven Messages from the Master, using only the words spoken by Jesus as recorded in the Four Gospels, without adding any personal comments or opinions.
Rev. Christian is founder of Foundations for Life ‘Online’ Ministries and presently lives in Negril, Jamaica, where he does local missionary work in schools and churches while counseling Christians online thru his program Christian Helping Christians.
More information can be found at: https://whatdidjesussay.world/.