How we prep and eat our food can directly correlate to our true personalities. From putting jam on a scone first signalling charming and courteous tendencies, to eating avocado smashed, revealing that an individual is passionate and honest.

Commissioned by Chicago Town Pizza, the UK’s leading frozen pizza brand, the research [expertly undertaken by psychologist Lee Chambers], dives into 15 of the most polarising food choices, and what they say about our personalities.

According to Chambers, those that prefer steak rare are people who might be described as extroverted, creative, and excitable who would usually be the one with high energy and passion in their pursuits.

Preferring steak cooked well-done suggests this is someone who takes things a little slower and conveys a considerate nature.

The gherkIN or gherkOUT debate with the humble burger has plagued Brits for years. Chambers attributes characteristics of bravery and optimism to those that prefer having the pickled delicacy in between their burger buns, wanting to add more to their meal, and subsequently, to their life.

Attentive with an eye for details were the identities of those that prefer their burger without gherkins, with the pickle not being a part of the bigger picture. They are faithful by default, believe in themselves and will back their position that there is a place for pickles and it’s not inside their bun.

Amongst other analysis, those that prefer an oven baked, crunchy Chicago Town Deep Dish are said to be assertive, headstrong, and conscientious. The golden crust of a crunchy deep dish notably symbolises the perfection that they strive for with meticulous attention to detail.

The gooey Deep Dish alternative, achieved by cooking in a microwave, aligns with someone that is more spontaneous and open to take risks.

Chicago Town Deep Dish Pizza
Crunch – Firm, assertive, and headstrong
Goo – Spontaneous, sentimental, and easy-going

Thick – Deep, Decisive, Objective
Runny – Friendly, Humourous, Gentle

Jam first – Dignified, Courteous, Charming
Cream first – Adventurous, Colourful, Daring

Rare – Extroverted, Creative, Excitable
Well Done – Considerate, Thoughtful, Assured

Ripe – Subtle, Humble, Principled
Firm – Charismatic, Confident, Innovative

Mashed – Passionate, Honest, Playful
Sliced – Reliable, Sophisticated, Methodical

Golden – Perfectionist, Practical, Popular
Dark – Free-willed, Adrenaline Seeker, Self-sufficient

Hard boiled – Patient, Resilient, Prudent
Soft boiled – Reactive, Imaginative, Energetic

Fries – Curious, Trendy, Youthful
Chunky – Hardworking, Conservative, Loyal

Peanut Butter
Crunchy – Resourceful, Thorough, Warm
Smooth – Peaceful, Romantic, Level-headed

Crispy – Witty, Persuasive, Fun-loving
Chewy – Good-natured, Kind, Tidy

Gherkin – Optimistic, Courageous, Carefree
No gherkin – Faithful, Attentive, Idealistic

Fridge – Aspiring, Cultured, Farsighted
Room Temp – Dynamic, Simple, Collaborative

American-Style – Action-orientated, bold, dramatic
Crepes – Intelligent, Contemplative, Tolerant

Garden – Honourable, Observant, Shrewd
Mushy – Liberal, Personable, Sympathetic

Lee Chambers, expert psychologist, says “We don’t often look deeply into what and how we eat. However, the way we prepare and eat our food can say a lot about who we are and our personalities”

How we prepare our food is often a window into how we plan and build our lifestyle. As for how our food is at the point of eating, it shines a light on the type of person we are, whether we play safe or like risk, competitive or relaxed, and even be symbolic of what you represent. And whether you prefer a gooey Deep Dish or a crunchy Deep Dish, there is always something for you to learn about yourself from the plate in front of you.”

Rachel Bradshaw, Marketing Manager at Chicago Town said: “Our work with Lee has given us some great insight into how our food choices can reflect our personalities – including our Deep Dish pizzas, which can be enjoyed either oven baked or microwaved. Both ways offer delicious Deep Dish, loaded with toppings and lashings of our signature tomato sauce. What team are you on – Crunch or Goo?”