The summer sweats: How to navigate intimate sweating in a heatwave

By Stephanie Taylor, Managing Director of Kegel8

It’s something we experience and perhaps even talk to our friends about, but when was the last time you were given tips on surviving the dreaded crotch sweat?

Whether a damp patch down there is visible in cute shorts or you often leave a ‘sweaty bum’ mark on a restaurant chair, this is an embarrassing problem to say the least.

Intimate Health Expert, Stephanie Taylor from Kegel8 offers quick tips, which are guaranteed to help minimise your intimate sweating during the summer.

But first… why?

Let’s get one thing straight – sweat down there is normal. Just like our armpits, faces and backs, it is great to perspire. It allows your body to cool down, helps your metabolism and can even weather our emotions.

Although, excessive sweating may be a cause for concern, as it can contribute to chaffing, itching and odour, not to mention the possibility of yeast and bacterial infection. So, just make sure you’re monitoring how much you’re perspiring down there. As always, if it’s really hindering your day-to-day life, visit your GP for advice.

For women in particular, some lifestyle changes can cause intimate sweat to increase. Menopause, pregnancy and hormone imbalances are all known contributors to crotch sweat.

Choose wisely

If you know this is an issue you suffer with, avoid materials and colours that enhance it further. Grey is notorious for being the most sweat revealing colour, so avoid this colour at all costs for your bottom half. Loose, free-flowing fabrics will be your best friend in the summertime.

To help you further, avoid restrictive and unbreathable underwear. Instead, opt for materials like cotton and other natural threads that allow your intimate area to ventilate in hot weathers.

Talc to the rescue

One of the best preventative measures is likely sitting in your bathroom cupboard right now. Talcum powder or baby powder are really helpful for drying up the sweaty area. Much like a powder you use to set your makeup base, talc really mattifies the sweat and oils in the skin.

This will make getting around far more comfortable and remove the anxiety that comes with the sweaty crotch. Just be sure to only use this on your leg and groin region, carefully avoiding any contact with the intimate area itself – talc can be extremely harmful for women if used incorrectly.

Wipe it away

Intimate wipes are another easy product to carry around with you. The fix is quick and inexpensive, which is so attractive to many of us.

Simply wipe the sweat from the affected area and wait a minute or two for it to dry. This just gives you a little more confidence in the cleanliness and scent of your intimate area.

Plus, the wipes are sold by most major retailers, are flushable and usually made from natural materials and ingredients, which makes the whole process simple and environmentally friendly. Win-win!


Body hair can be quite sweat inducing. Although many of us are embracing our natural body hair, this can cause a little discomfort in the hotter months. Dialling back on the intimate hair can provide just a little more breathing space for your pubic region.

Find the best hair removal method that works for you – whether this be waxing, trimming or hair removal cream. Be wary of sensitive skin and always moisturise the area after, no matter what you do.