The presents most likely to be regifted: Take health & beauty products off the Christmas lists


A new study has found that 15 million Brits are regifters, with health and beauty products the most likely to passed on, unbeknownst to the receiver.

The study, in which The Works surveyed the nation, found that one in seven presents that are regifted are health and beauty products, that figure increasing to around one in five among female regifters.

Alongside the likes of perfume, smelly giftsets and bath products, alcohol is also a gift that’s passed on frequently, with one in eight regifters doing so, the second most likely product to be regifted. Clothing made up the third and was especially popular among men for regifting, perhaps dispelling the myth that men enjoy getting socks for Christmas!

Completing the top five gifts most likely to be regifted are books (8%) and games and puzzles (8%), although in the case of the former it could well be passing on a good read once a person’s finished.

Outside of the top five, candles are rewrapped and given away by 7% of regifters, while gardening products and kitchenware are also among the more common presents that are regifted.

Top 10 present types regifted:

Health & beauty products




Games & Puzzles


Gardening products




For those that do regift, around one in five feel guilty about doing so, with over a quarter of those under the age of 24 feeling that way, compared to just 16% of over 55s. But it’s often the over 55s that are providing the gifts that are then sent on too.

For those under 24, unwanted gifts are likely to come from parents or grandparents, while overall friends are most likely to give unwanted gifts, with one in six regifted presents originally coming from them.

Charlotte Blaquiere, Search Marketing Manager at The Works said, “There’s no shame in regifting presents today. While many people do feel guilty, we should be pleased by the one in five aged between 25 and 54 that see it more as an eco-friendly exercise.

“When it comes to books especially, the fourth most likely present to be regifted, there’s nothing better than passing on a great read for somebody else to enjoy too.”

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