The Guinness Partnership calls for support for new Hackney Baby Bank

Hackney is an inner London borough that extends north-east from the City.

Of the 18 indicators in the London Poverty Profile, Hackney scores poorly for eight of them:

48% of children in Hackney are classed as being in poverty after housing costs, compared to the London average of 37%.

Hackney has one of highest rates of working-age adults who have no qualifications (9% compared to 6.7% for London overall).
Hackney has one of the highest rates of households in temporary accommodation with 28 households per 1,000 in Hackney in temporary accommodation compared to an average of 17 across London ( March 2021).

Six months ago, the Guinness Partnership, Little Village, Sal’s Shoes and The Boiler House started talking. Then we started doing. Working together for the first time, we are now 6 weeks away from opening the Hackney Family Centre – a community space that will incorporate:

A Little Village baby bank – like a food bank, but for clothes, toys and equipment for babies and children up to the age of 5; accepting donations of excellent-condition, pre-loved items, which will be given to families in the local community who need support.

A Sal’s Shoes ‘shop’ where families in need of support will be able to choose footwear for their young ones without having to pay for their ‘purchases’.

Boiler House management, who have over 10 years experience in realising the huge potential of strengthening community networks in Hackney, and who’ll be introducing a whole host of family centred initiatives and opportunities including a crèche for families utilising the services offered by the centre, and a community kitchen.

Together we hope to help nurture a supportive community for parents and families, building connections, local networks and facilitating support.