The biggest problems facing UK professionals

The biggest problems facing UK professionals when providing personal contact info

79% of UK office workers have had to supply their personal number in a professional capacity, leading to out of hours calls and messages, cold calls and spam, and even inappropriate advances.

That’s according to a recent survey by YourBusinessNumber, who also found the majority would rather have kept their private life private, but didn’t have the additional choice of a work provided handset, for example.

The survey found that 79% of us who work in a professional office environment have had to provide someone with our private number while carrying out our professional duties.

For the most part, we feel obliged to give our personal contact info to a colleague, however, clients also ranked high, as did suppliers.

58% of those that did supply their personal number stated they would have preferred not to if given the choice, but didn’t have the alternative of a second, work-provided handset.

What’s more, 72% also stated that in giving out their private number, it led to unwanted communications above and beyond the requirements of their job role.

The most common intrusion was work related calls or enquiries outside of their working hours, putting further strain on the already delicate work-life balance that many of us try to maintain.

Cold calls for additional services or products also ranked high, as well as general, but not inappropriate non-work related messages.

Spam messages were also a common occurrence and while it was the least likely to happen, some also received inappropriate advances of a non-professional nature.

George Lineker, Co-founder of YourBusinessNumber, commented:

“The provision of a second work handset can be an incredibly expensive endeavour for the nation’s businesses and, in this day and age, the good old landline can only get you so far.

What’s more, some employees will prefer to keep their cards close to their chest when it comes to work related contacts, providing them with their own number to stay connected in case they move on to greener pastures.

But while it’s almost become an expectation in today’s working world, failing to keep a clear line between professional and personal communications can be incredibly detrimental to employees and employers alike.

Not only can it lead to varying degrees of intrusion into our personal lives, but it can also lead to a loss of business should your employee move roles, bringing their little black book of contacts with them.

Today, there’s a wealth of affordable and practical solutions available, such as WhatsApp Business, that allow businesses to maintain a clear line when it comes to workplace communications. So there’s really no excuse to have to provide your personal information to anyone.”