Summer is over – but don’t put the sun cream away yet

As the final heatwave of the year comes to an end and we start heading into autumn, many of us will be putting away our sun cream and SPF until next year if we haven’t already done so. Yet although it may feel as though summer is officially over, it remains as important as ever to protect our skin from the sun. Alongside the health concerns that are associated with sun exposure, it is also the leading cause of ageing and wrinkles – with UV exposure thought to be responsible for up to 80% of visible facial ageing signs.
Dr Olivier Amar, leading cosmetic surgeon and CMO of Uvence, outlines the importance of using SPF all year round:
“It is a common misconception that SPF is only important during the sunniest days of the year. When the sun is shining, this serves as a reminder to use SPF as we physically feel its strength on our skin. However, as we head into the colder and darker months, continuing to use SPF on the skin remains really important – even when it is particularly cloudy or foggy.
Skin ageing – especially around the eye area – is one of the most common concerns amongst my patients. The sun’s ultraviolet rays penetrate the skin, and this can lead to premature ageing as well as age spots. Sun exposure is one of the leading causes of skin ageing, and so taking the correct steps to protect skin will help to reduce the risk of accelerating the ageing process.
It’s also important to note that skin should be protected from the sun even for those who wear makeup, as products such as foundation do not serve as a sufficient barrier. Although some products do contain SPF in them, this should not be a substitute for applying SPF in its own right.
It is inevitable that all skin will show signs of ageing to varying degrees, but finding more natural ways to guide us through the process are now forerunners in the cosmetic world. I’ve seen a significant uptick in the number of patients seeking skin rejuvenating treatments, such as PRP and Uvence, which help give the skin a naturally based boost. However, I always reiterate that these treatments should only be used alongside the fundamental everyday steps we take to protect our skin.”