Rishi Sunak Must Tell the Truth About the Success of the Fuel Duty Freeze

FairFuelUK has today, written to every Tory MP calling on them to ask the Chancellor to be honest regarding the incredible success of the decade long freeze in Fuel Duty and why maintaining the cap must be a key component of his post pandemic economic plan.

Howard Cox Founder of FairFuelUK says:

“Time and time again, Chancellors have proclaimed they are the victims of the 10 years freeze. That they have lost billions and billions of tax revenue due to the Tory inspired fiscal policy. It’s time they told the truth, to stop the well-financed anti-driver green activists claiming motorists, van drivers and hauliers are unfairly subsidised by keeping Fuel Duty at 57.95p/litre.”

“Everything about the disingenuous rhetoric from the Government assumes consumer and economic behaviour would not change. The Cebr have proved this is a deception. Anyone can produce a “what if” straight line extrapolation of the future to justify the lost revenue argument. And that is what the Treasury and successive Chancellors have done Budget after Budget to portray themselves as fiscal martyrs. Its more than dishonest, they’ve knowingly mislead voters, MPs and the media.”