
Sir Jacob Rees Mogg has said the Parliamentary Standards Commissioner needs to open an investigation immediately into donations made to the government, including clothes donated to Lady Starmer.
Speaking on GB News Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg said:
“One of Sir Keir Starmer’s favourite platitudes over the election period was this:
‘‘To turn the page on an era of politics as noisy performance, and return it to public service.’
“He is so pious, isn’t he? The Reverend Starmer preacheth the lesson. And we were told in Labour’s manifesto they would be setting the highest of standards in public life.
“It criticised the Tories for failing to expel MPs who break the rules. For months, Labour tried to sit on the moral high ground, but now secure Starmer, along with his posse, are tumbling down the hill head first.
“First, the chancellor, Rachel Reeves, effectively confesses that she did not declare the donation she had received from Ian Caulfield before appointing him to the Treasury, and not notifying Treasury mandarins within the required time period.
“Then a Labour donor was given a Downing Street pass, and now it emerges that the same donor who paid for the Prime Minister’s amazingly fashionable, elegant, highfalutin wardrobe was also paying for Lady Starmer’s clothes.
“I’d be a bit miffed if some strange man were paying for my wife’s clothes, but never mind.
“This donation was not declared, which means the Prime Minister may have broken parliamentary rules.
“The government has feigned ignorance, claiming it believed it was compliant after seeking advice on a different matter, before belatedly and begrudgingly making the Lady Starmer declaration.
“But Sir Keir Starmer, once labelled by his culture Secretary Lisa Nandy as Mr. Rules, was the Director of Public Prosecutions, something he boasts about with a great deal of frequency to show how wonderfully law abiding and pious he is.
“So he, of all people, should know that ignorance of the law is no excuse. But is the Prime Minister ignorant of the rules? Hold on a moment. Didn’t he say this back in 2021?
‘The Prime Minister will be aware that he is required to declare any benefits that relate to political activities, including loans or credit arrangements, within 28 days. 28 days, Prime Minister, yes. He will also know that any donation must be recorded in the register of the minister’s interests, and that under the law, any donation of over £500 at the political party must be registered and declared.’
“So he is not ignorant of the rules after all.
“Meanwhile, for the crime of an uneaten cake in a tupperware box, Boris Johnson was dragged through the privileges committee’s kangaroo court and then hounded from parliament.
“Is the privileges committee going to investigate Sir Keir? Surely he deserves the same treatment as Boris Johnson had. Unquestionably, the Standards Commissioner Daniel Greenberg, an extremely intelligent and capable man, needs to open an investigation immediately.
“Starmer has paraded himself as the man of righteousness, but now we know he’s too mean to buy his wife a frock. His hypocrisy is exposed, and perhaps he should be defrocked.”