Putting our best face forward: what are Brits concerned about ahead of July 19th?

Monday July 19th marks a significant change in social restrictions, which will see more of the UK workforce returning to office environments after 18 months of working from home. However, while there are various factors Brits are conscious of as we continue along the government’s roadmap out of lockdown, physical appearance is one of the most prominent for millions of Brits, research from Uvence cosmetics reveals.
One report shows 70% of London office workers are already coming into the office at least one day a week, with research from Uvence cosmetics shedding light on how the UK workforce really feels as we return to face-to-face environments. The unique study found that 24% of the nation – 5,565,000 people – say that they are stressed and reluctant about going into the office because of how lockdown has impacted their appearance. As well as this, 26% of Brits – 6,424,000 people – say that they are going back to the workplace feeling the least confident they ever have.
In addition to how confidence in physical appearances has dropped ahead of July 19th, Boots have reported a spike in lipstick sales, as the volume sold has jumped by 61% from the first three months of the year (January-March) to the second (April-June). When experiencing lockdown for the first time, focus on the eye area in the cosmetic world increased – and this fluctuating trend is testament to how face coverings have impacted the facial areas we are paying the most attention to. In light of this, many cosmetic practitioners are predicting that skin rejuvenating treatments will boom as we start to unveil our faces more often as we move away from face coverings.
Key statistics:
· 24% of Brits (5,565,000) say that they are stressed and reluctant about going into the office because of how lockdown has impacted their appearance
· 26% of Brits (6,424,000) say that they are going back to the workplace feeling the least confident they ever have
· 14% of Brits (6 million) feel that they look at least 5 years older as a result of the stress and anxiety brought about by lockdown and the pandemic
· 9% of Brits (3.2 million) say that the increased number of Zoom meetings and heightened focus on their face have made them reconsider cosmetic or plastic surgery options
Leading cosmetic surgeon and CMO of Uvence, Dr. Olivier Amar, discusses how people are becoming increasingly conscious of their appearances as we return to work:
“With lockdown restrictions easing on July 19th, we will all experience some significant changes in our everyday lives. It has become increasingly obvious during this transition period that many people think lockdown has impacted their appearance, and levels of confidence have depleted as a result. Our aesthetics have become a prominent part of what we’re most conscious of as we start to engage in more social interactions, particularly when it comes to skin texture and skin around the eyes.
During the past 18 months, it has been a common theme that we have become more aware and critical of our appearances as a result of the impact of lockdown, and this has influenced the decision of many to go out and seek treatment post-lockdown. My advice would be to not to rush into anything, and wait for a sufficient amount of time to weigh-up whether treatment is the best option for you. If you are still considering treatment, discussing this with a trusted professional is both helpful and important.
Lots of people are now opting for more natural and subtle tweakments rather than more dramatic surgeries, especially as a result of lockdown, as people are seeking simple ways of rejuvenating their skin. Uvence is an example of a subtle yet effective cosmetic treatment, which offers a natural alternative to synthetic filler treatments. Uvence utilises the regenerative potential of one’s own purified cells for skin rejuvenation, improving the overall texture of skin”.