Premium, honest and natural hemp-derived products

London-based premium wellness brand Oxocan is on a mission to provide its consumers with the highest quality of hemp-derived products.
They offer a range of premium and natural CBD products that include 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% CBD oils, CBD capsules containing 10mg of CBD per capsules and CBD-infused candles that are 100% natural.
Oxocan has spent over 18 months developing and creating unique recipes for their candles using only the best selection of natural ingredients for both the Revitalise and Tranquillity range.
All products are manufactured in the UK, 100% natural, third-party lab-tested and ethically sourced.
Oxocan CBD oils and capsules are manufactured under the strict GMP certification which further highlights its commitment to providing consumers with the best quality products.
Although the company is in its early days, bosses are ambitious about creating the go-to brand for hemp-derived products.
Oxocan believes that CBD has the power to revitalise, enhance and support people’s day-to-day living.
Through its exceptional product quality, clear and transparent labelling, friendly application and easy-to-use products, Oxocan is making CBD accessible to everyone who desires it.