Pollen Bomb: How Gut Health Can Fight Hay Fever

As the days get warmer and the flowers start to bloom, many of us find ourselves sniffling, sneezing, and rubbing our itchy eyes. “Almost half of the UK population struggle with hay fever symptoms, according to a survey by Allergy UK – nearly double the number previously thought.” (Huffington Post)
Pollen seasons are getting more menacing due to air pollution and climate change. As “warmer weather speeds up the growing process, causing pollen seasons to start earlier and last longer.” (Margaret Kelman, Allergy UK, The Guardian)
“Hay fever is worse in the cities because you have a combination of pollination as well as diesel exhaust particles that carry the pollen grains deeper into the airways, which can be more allergy-provoking.” (Dr. Adrian Morris, Surrey Allergy Clinic, The Metro)
We all know antihistamines, nasal sprays and eye drops as the standard solution but what if there was a natural way to fight off the symptoms of hay fever? Enter live bacteria supplements.
What does the research say?
Hay fever is a skewed immune reaction to inhaled pollen due to an overactive immune response, triggering the release of IgE antibodies and the inflammatory substance histamine. The allergic response causes inflammation of the mucosal lining of the nasal passages, throat and eyes resulting in symptoms.
A 2022 systematic review and meta-analysis reviewed the results of 28 studies, concluding that live bacteria supplementation is effective in ameliorating allergic rhinitis symptoms and improving quality of life:
Live bacteria supplements significantly relieved allergic rhinitis symptoms.
Improved Rhinoconjunctivitis Quality of Life Questionnaire (RQLQ) scores.
Increased levels of certain types of T cells helps to address imbalances in immune cells implicated in hay fever.
Live bacteria supplements, e.g. Bio-Kult Advanced Multi-Strain Formulation with 14 strains, may benefit hay fever sufferers due to interactions with the immune system, which modifies the natural course of allergic disease.
How early should you take Live Bacteria?
Live bacteria supplementation is beneficial when commenced at the height of allergy symptoms. However, according to a 2017 study published by the American Journal of Nutrition, it is hypothesised to be even more effective when taken for a period of time prior to hay fever season starting.
But that’s not all. Live bacteria has also been shown to help reduce the risk of developing allergies in the first place. A 2009 study published by the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology found that infants who were given a daily dose of live bacteria were less likely to develop eczema and allergic rhinitis (hay fever) than those who were not given live bacteria.
The Gut-Brain Connection x Hay Fever
Nutrition is critical as hay fever relates to immune dysregulation and is essentially an inflammatory condition. So supplementing with live bacteria can help to reduce the severity of hay fever symptoms due to gut-brain connection.
As our gut is home to trillions of bacteria, which play a crucial role in regulating our immune system. By introducing beneficial bacteria into our gut, we can help to rebalance our immune system and reduce inflammation throughout the body, in turn alleviate hay fever symptoms..
It would be ideal to move towards an anti-inflammatory diet, high in antioxidants and phytonutrients from colourful fruit and vegetables, and omega 3 fatty acids from oily fish, hemp and flax. According to a 2016 study, certain foods high in the flavonol quercetin can be beneficial, due to its anti-allergic activity, e.g. onions, garlic, broccoli, apples, berries, grapes, herbs and tea. Also reducing stress levels and ensuring good quality sleep is also key.
10 Natural Ways to Fight Hay Fever
So, if you’re looking for more ways to stop your eyes and nose from streaming, here are 10 natural ways to fight hay fever:
Check the pollen count before heading outdoors.
Keep windows and doors closed during peak pollen times.
Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from pollen.
Use a pollen filter in your car.
Shower and change clothes after being outdoors.
Use a saline nasal rinse to clear pollen from your nasal passages.
Avoid hanging laundry outside to dry.
Avoid mowing the lawn or being near freshly cut grass.
Keep pets off furniture and out of the bedroom.
Try natural remedies like honey, vitamin C, and herbal teas.
By incorporating these tips into your routine and supplementing with Bio-Kult live bacteria, you can fight off the symptoms of hay fever and enjoy the warmer weather without feeling miserable.
“If you have an existing health condition or a weakened immune system, you should talk to a doctor before taking any probiotic supplements.” (NHS) Also you can also use the Met Office’s Pollen forecasting tool to check the severity in your local area.