Nutritionist reveals seven food & drinks you should avoid before driving

car drive

With the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee this weekend, many people will taking advantage of the extra days off and going on day-trips or staycations with the family. Whilst it’s usual to take snacks for a long drive, or stop off at service stations – but what snacks are best to be avoided on a road trip?

The car experts at CarMoney have investigated the food & drinks to avoid before starting a long car journey – and some may surprise you.

The company also spoke to nutritionist Daisy Hill from Nutrition & Fitness for her expert advice on what food & drinks are more suitable.

Nutritionist reveals seven food & drinks you should avoid before driving

Energy drinks – Counterproductive after one hour

Energy drinks can have an adverse affect due to the high levels of caffeine. Heart palpitations are a common side effect, and depending on their severity, can be enough to distract you from your drive.

The effects of your energy drink may not last as long as you think. explains that “approximately 1 hour after ingesting a highly caffeinated or sugared drink, a person who is sleep-deprived can experience lapses in concentration and lower reaction times” which could lead to accidents.

Daisy recommends avoiding energy drinks in day to day life: “To compare to a standard cup of coffee, which has 100mg of caffeine, energy drinks can have up to 240mg! A healthy alternative you may want to consider would be Matcha green tea as it can have the same uplifting effect as an energy drink but without the nasty side affects.”

Porridge – Reduces alertness

While porridge and oatmeal are hailed as a good, slow-release energy start to the day, did you know that they can also reduce alertness? Oatmeal in particular is often recommended as a food to help you sleep as it naturally raises blood sugar and contains melatonin which relaxes the body.

Whilst porridge is a great breakfast food, Daisy points out it may not work well later on in the day. “Porridge has so many benefits to your health. However, what is often seen as a positive might not be when driving on a long journey late at night. Oatmeal and porridge can make you feel full, which can make you feel tired as your body is concentrating on digesting. So, if you’re planning a long journey on an evening, a good idea would be to have a small meal or snacks such as bananas or berries and nuts.”

Coffee – Leads to more toilet breaks

A large coffee could be a go-to treat for drivers wanting to stay alert on their journey. But the caffeine in coffee will cause you to crash a short time later, meaning you could end up feeling more tired and less alert as a result.

Alertness aside, coffee can act as a diuretic and irritate the bladder, meaning drivers can expect to take more toilet stops on a long car journey.

“Coffee (and some tea) can have this effect so it would be best to avoid it. Drinking water is refreshing, provides your body with what it needs and can make you feel more alert. Try adding some ice to cool it down, this will pick you up even more.”

Chocolate – Can cause heartburn

Caffeine, cocoa and other plant chemicals frequently found in chocolate bars are common triggers for heartburn and indigestion, meaning indulging in a treat early on in your journey could make the rest of your trip highly uncomfortable.

However, there is a way to get around this – opting for dark chocolate. “Try it as a snack on a long journey rather than milk or white chocolate. Opt for 85% or more cocoa as it has much less sugar and fewer chemicals in it, so far less likely to cause the same adverse effects. Other snacks you can try are raw nut bars. Try to choose ones with as few processed ingredients as possible.”

Apples – Encourages uncomfortable bloating

Fruit is a light and healthy alternative to most snack options, but be careful which type of fruit you choose to eat before or during your car journey. Although they may be one of the most popular fruits, apples can cause bloating thanks to their high fibre content that reacts poorly with their natural fructose, resulting in bloating and gas.

Mints – Too many can cause nausea

Whilst peppermint is known for settling an unhappy stomach and soothing nausea, eat too many mints and you may end up having the total opposite effect on your body. Peppermints can easily trigger acid reflux and combined with their high sugar content, can cause bloating, gas, or in some cases diarrhoea.

Too much water can led to over-hydration

If you’re looking to cut down on your bathroom trips on your next car journey, be mindful of how much water you drink. While dehydration will lead to fatigue, over-hydration will result in you needing to stop for toilet breaks. Water is however the best drink for your car journey, as it doesn’t have any negative effects like caffeinated beverages, but try not to sip more than necessary.

Andrew Marshall, Marketing & Partnerships Manager at CarMoney says: “The food and drinks that we consume can have a huge impact on things like energy levels, bloating, acid reflux and how often we need to stop for toilet breaks on our car journeys. When driving, you need to keep these adverse effects to a minimum, so you can focus on the road and reach your destination in good time. Adults and children alike can benefit from rethinking their drinks and snacks before a family day out this Bank holiday weekend. Instead of reaching for heavier foods and caffeinated drinks, try lighter snacks and consider taking sips from a bottle of water throughout the journey to stay hydrated.”