Is it possible to turn back the ageing clock on our skin?

When it comes to the appearance of skin, signs of ageing have been one of the most common concerns for decades. As of December 2019, facial skincare for women is now worth nearly £1.5 billion, which comes alongside the fact that UK consumers are forecasted to spend £31 billion on beauty treatments in 2021. Research from Uvence ( reveals that 6 million Brits feel that they look at least 5 years older as a result of the stress and anxiety brought about by the pandemic – but as we look into the future in the fight against ageing, what methods are set to soar?
As more research and development takes place in the cosmetic industry, the options available to patients have expanded considerably. Namely, methods of biohacking – using natural methods to unlock the power of our own biology – have become more popular than ever before, and this has been acknowledged through new cosmetic innovations such as Uvence today.
When it comes to biohacking, one thing that scientists and cosmetic surgeons now realise is the power of our own fat. Dr. Olivier Amar is one of the leading cosmetic surgeons in the UK, and is at the forefront of working with natural regenerative procedures with fat. One of his treatments – Uvence ( – is a leading nano-fat transfer procedure, which can extract the regenerative properties hidden within our own fat cells to supercharge our body’s self-repair processes.
Further research from Uvence shows that over 6 million people in Britain have considered getting a cosmetic treatment, but don’t want to introduce unnatural substances into their body. With more patients seeking natural methods of improving their skin, new-generation treatments are changing the face of cosmetics for the future, and many are now stepping away from synthetic substances.
Dr Olivier Amar, CMO of Uvence, discusses how natural procedures will become the future of the cosmetic treatment arena:
“When it comes to extending our longevity and boosting our health, the best thing for you is in fact hidden within your own cells. Regenerative treatments are the future of cosmetics, because they can harvest the rejuvenative properties hidden within our own cells, and reinject them to boost recovery, repair cells, and rejuvenate our skin. Whereas regular cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery can alter our appearance in a synthetic way, regenerative treatments can actively combat ageing, and help you to maintain or even improve your physical health as well as your appearance over time.
Uvence is one example of a regenerative treatment, which cryogenically preserves purified extracts of a patient’s own fat tissue for reinjection in the form of a ‘biofiller’. In other words, although our bodies are naturally equipped with the resources needed to slow the ageing process, it doesn’t always have enough of them to be effective. Taking fat cells from other areas of the body, such as the stomach, and redistributing them to areas that are in need of rejuvenation therefore maximises the body’s natural ability to fight ageing. With Uvence, patients have full control over their treatment process, and can choose to have their super enriched tissue reinjected multiple times at any point over the course of 5 years, which provides a long-lasting and hugely beneficial regenerative boost to the patient’s skin.
Skin ageing – especially around the eye area – is one of the most common concerns amongst my patients. Natural cosmetic therapies that combat this have come a long way during the past decade, and lockdown periods during the pandemic allowed for research and development in the cosmetic industry to soar.”