Increase in Social Care Funding as Starting Point for Reform


Care England, the largest representative body of independent adult social care providers, has today called for the Government to inject an annual £7 billion increase in social care funding as a starting point for reform. Whilst, at the same time, stressing that extra funding alone will not remedy the adult social care system.

Professor Martin Green OBE, Chief Executive of Care England, says:
“We hope that the Housing Communities and Local Government Select Committee’s second inquiry into the long term funding of adult social care proves a catalyst in the Government implementing funding reform. The sector cannot wait. Funding alone will not however remedy the dysfunctionalities which have emerged concerning adult social care funding. As we advance, we must seek to override those cultures and processes which mean care is often not commissioned at sufficient rates.”

Care England has submitted evidence to the Housing, Communities and Local Government inquiry into the long term funding of adult social care. The submission sought to stress that a new reality has been imposed upon the adult social care sector as a result of COVID-19. In turn, any future funding reform must take account of the new realities imposed upon the sector and England’s population. Care England argues that future strategies must a holistic approach towards the long term development of adult social care including:
Outcome and evidence-based funding and provider models.
Workforce development.
The impact of Covid-19 upon adult social care and England’s population.
Martin Green continues:
“It is now or never. We want to work with the Government to ensure that it can deliver on its promise of reform”.