HRT can be life changing, but what about women that cannot take it?

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is routinely used to help women manage the challenging symptoms of menopause and can have life changing effects.

But for some women HRT isn’t an option, for example if they are undergoing treatment for breast cancer or if they have some other medical reason.

Some women simply prefer to choose to manage their perimenopause and menopausal symptoms naturally, turning to traditional remedies that have been used for centuries, such as sage leaf and red clover.

Which is why the women behind the natural supplement Menopure, created a targeted blend of vitamins, minerals and natural plant oestrogens to help women naturally support their body and mind during perimenopause and menopause.

Ingredients include wild yam and red clover which produce estrogen like effects in the body, milk thistle to support hormonal balance, Vitamin B6 which contributes to the regulation of hormonal activity and Vitamins C, B12 and Magnesium which all reduce tiredness and fatigue.

It can help women manage the symptoms of menopause such as hot flushes, night sweats and brain fog.

Shelley Newman, from Preston, Lancs, went to her doctor after experiencing night sweats so extreme she was forced to get up during the night to change her bed linen.

The 55-year-old was offered HRT but decided to look for a more natural way to alleviate her symptoms which also included uncomfortable hot flushes throughout the day.

She has been taking the one a day Menopure supplement for two months and believes it has eased her symptoms greatly. With her sleep no longer disturbed she’s found she has more energy during the day to eat better, exercise and get back to living her life.

Shelley said: “I’ve had menopausal symptoms for around a year and it was getting to the point where it was interrupting my life. The hot flushes were very regular and the night sweats were disrupting my sleep.

“I was sweating buckets and having to get up during the night to change the pillows and sheets which left me feeling tired and lethargic the next day.

“I was prescribed HRT tablets by my doctor but I have read bad things about it so I was looking for a more natural way to treat the symptoms. That search led me to Menopure.

“It has made a massive difference. The hot flushes have gone – if I do have them I’m not noticing. Before taking the supplement they would come on regularly throughout the day and I would feel like I was cooking. My face would be really flushed too which can be embarrassing.

“The night sweats have stopped too and because I have more energy, I’ve been able to get back into my home gym and workout.

“I have been trying to lose weight for a while and was struggling to keep my weight down. I’ve now dropped from 16st 7lb to 15st 12lb.”

Angela Bevington, from Merseyside, has also been taking Menopure supplements for two months and has already noticed a change in her symptoms.

The 47 year old was experiencing hot flushes which made her feel nauseous, and was suffering with bloating, brain fog and vertigo. After missing her supplements for a few days, she noticed symptoms beginning to return.

Angela said: “I’ve been taking Menopure for around two months and had a few days off when I was unwell. During those few days the symptoms I’d been experiencing previously began to return.

“Menopure has made a big difference with my sleeping patterns – I’m less restless than I used to be – and my brain fog has reduced. My hair and nails are in much better condition and I also feel my moods are better regulated. I’m definitely less tetchy.”

LesleyAnn Davies and Jane Hodgson who are behind the Menopure supplement, said: “The great news is that women and the wider population are now talking much more about the menopause and there’s a lot more support and awareness now than there has ever been. For too many years it’s been a taboo subject so it’s fantastic to see this finally change.

“While HRT helps a lot of women, it isn’t suitable for everyone and we hear from many women who are seeking a more natural alternative product to help them manage their menopause symptoms.

“Feedback has been fantastic – customers are really noticing a difference and it’s having such a positive impact on their lives.

“Many supplements on the market have to be taken two or three times a day. Menopure is just once a day which makes it much more convenient for busy women.”

The product comes in recyclable pouches of 60 easy to swallow capsules with a two month supply at £14.85. Menopure is manufactured in the UK in small batches to ensure freshness meaning no artificial fillers, binders and flow agents.