How Dogs Can Help to Boost your Mental Health

One of the most exciting stages in any animal lover’s life is when a new furry friend joins the family, and for many, it’s dogs who top the list as they help to brighten up each day and are a loyal companion for life.
Dogs are happy, energetic animals who can elevate your mood, as a recent study from fresh dog food brand, Butternut Box, found that 30% of pet owners say working with their dog boosts their overall mood, while 26% say their pet pooch reduces their stress levels – showing that dogs really are beneficial to making us feel good.
To help pet owners across the nation understand the true mental health benefits of owning a four-legged friend and how they can boost your mood, Dr Ciara Clarke, in-house Vet from Butternut Box shares her expert insights.
Improve mobility and physical activity.
Dogs need exercise just as much as their owners do, but as humans we can often neglect our own health and the need to move. When you spend time outdoors, it can improve your mood, reduce stress and count towards your daily step count, making it a valuable form of exercise.
Dogs are active animals and need to exercise regularly – the recommended guidance is 30 minutes of exercise outside per day, although this will alter slightly depending on the size or breed of dog, as some will need more. This is a great excuse to get out of the house and start moving, meaning your pet pooch is not only keeping active, but you are too!
Provide companions for life.
Owning a dog means you will always have company, be sociable and feel safe in your home, particularly if you live alone. The sound of paws pattering on the floor is an instant reminder that you are not alone.
Whether you’re going through a breakup or have experienced the loss of a family member, dogs are there to help support you through any challenging times. Being around dogs or even pets in general can also lower the stress hormone, cortisol, which helps to reduce feelings of anxiety and can boost your mental health.
Reduce mental health issues.
Dogs are a great source of comfort and motivation, often helping us to live mentally healthier lives without even realising it, as their wagging tails and furry faces brighten up each day.
Dogs can also boost your self-confidence. Typically, when people suffer from low self-esteem issues, positive affirmations can help to lift their spirits. Ultimately, dogs always offer unconditional love to their owners, and this support and loyalty is often a great help to boost your mood. Not only that, but dogs are great listeners too, allowing you to vent in peace after a hard day.
Improve your social skills.
When you first get a dog and begin to train them at home, the Google searches begin with lots of ‘puppy training classes near me’ and ‘dog Facebook groups’, as most people are looking for advice and expertise from other dog owners.
Booking your pet pooch onto a dog training class not only gives them a chance to socialise and meet other four-legged friends, but you get to socialise too. Socialising is important for us all and by creating conversations and discussing favourite interests and pup facts – there are sure to be friendships formed.
Not only that, but trips to your local park will become a bigger social event after getting a furry companion as you chat with other dog walkers and share your training tips and techniques.
Add structure to your life.
Dogs thrive and are generally better behaved when they have structure to their day. For example, creating a set feeding time in the morning and evening each day is one of the first steps to making a routine.
It’s important to know that by applying the dog’s routine into your life, it benefits you as well. Creating good routines for yourself and those around you allows you to be more organised, which in turn can boost your mood as you feel more accomplished with your day as tasks are completed. As well as this, it also creates a consistent supplement of good behaviours for both parties.
So, there you have it, five ways that dogs can help to boost your mental health and the true benefits they can have on your lifestyle, and with dogs bringing so much to our lives, we should give back to help them live a healthy and happy lifestyle. Cooking fresh and tasty meals that are sure to set their tails to wag, Butternut Box delivers perfect portions straight to your door.