Five first class tips for getting university ready

As students up and down the country start arriving at university this month, organisation expert Kathryn Hall – who has helped the likes of Mrs Hinch and Stacey Solomon organise their cupboards – has unveiled her top tips for getting organised at the start of term.
“It’s a daunting yet exciting time for students, especially for those who are living away from home for the first time,” said Kathryn, who owns sustainable homeware brand, Kath & Kin.
“New friends, new city and new home – a lot is changing and as exciting as it is, it can also be overwhelming.
“These are just a few easy things students can try to make the transition that bit easier,” says Kathryn.
Get organised! Your bedroom in your university halls will not be a big space so it’s important you have enough storage so your room doesn’t become cluttered and disorganised. By using storage containers, you’ll be able to make the most of your space while ensuring everything is tidy and in its own place. While you’re unpacking, don’t forget to leave your door open so your new flatmates can come in and say hello!
If you’re moving into a house share and planning on doing a shared foodshop then have clear jars and containers for things like pasta, cereal, coffee and tea then you can keep track of when you need to top up. To save arguments of who’s is what in the fridge, why not arrange your own fridge tray thanks to Kath & Kin’s customisable fridge trays?
Make a list! It is easy to forget the little things however these are often essentials in your day to day life that you can’t live without. By having a packing list and remembering to use it then there is little chance of you forgetting everything you’ll need. Why not create a different list for each room in the house to make it less overwhelming?
Batch cooking, you’re a student now and that means a student budget. Be sure your cupboards are stocked with all the essentials to make an easy meal. Get into a good habit of batch cooking meals and popping them in the freezer – these will especially great for grabbing a quick meal or those nights you really don’t know what to cook!
Cleaning and washing! Whether you’re moving into halls or a house share or even your own little flat or apartment, the cleaning and washing still has to be done. A cleaning caddy is a great way of keeping your products together and you can carry it from room to room rather than going back and forth. Also – try to keep your washing products in clear jars so you can see when you need a refill.
“University is all about making friends and having new experiences,” Kathryn explained.
“And as much as you’ll want to be out socialising, you’ll also spend a lot of time in your new place you call home. It may not always be clean and tidy, and no ones there to check up on you, but if you can keep on top of it then you’ll enjoy your university experience that bit more!”