FDM Group reports median gender pay gap of -9.6% for 2021

FDM Group, a global leader in the recruit, train and deploy sector, today announces that it has achieved a median gender pay of -9.6 per cent for 2021, a significant improvement on the -2.1 per cent figure for 2020 and -1.7 per cent for 2019,
FDM Group is already recognised as an early adopter of gender pay gap reporting introduced by the UK Government in April 2017 and has chosen to disclose its figures this year, despite the mandatory requirement being removed until October 2021 due to the Coronavirus pandemic.
The FDM Returners Programme was instrumental in improving the gender pay gap by -7.5 per cent this year, as lockdown allowed FDM to improve the flexibility of their programme, which encouraged women, particularly parents, to join and stay for the long term. FDM even revealed that 78 per cent of the candidates on their Returners programme this year identified as female, and the percentage of females receiving a bonus across the company increased by 2.3 per cent, now 88.1 per cent in 2021, up from 85.8 per cent in 2020.
Over the past 12 months, FDM Group has also held a series of seminars, workshops and hackathons with a focus on attracting female talent. Additionally, the company introduced a number of new initiatives, like ‘She Lives Tech’, focussed on encouraging more women in University to join the tech space by providing mentorship and networking opportunities.
FDM Group’s maternity cover has also been upgraded to include an increased amount of time away from the workforce on full pay, extended it to include those who are adopting and they have introduced flexible timings and remote working alternatives for their staff.
The company also continue to sponsor the ‘Everywoman in Technology Awards’, participated in the Google Initiative #IAmRemarkable by hosting workshops on how to build confidence aimed at young women and underrepresented groups, alongside a number of other initiatives over the last year. This combined effort has also resulted in a significant boost for FDM Group’s share price, which rose over £2 per share, and now stands at around £12.00*.