Expert Reveals Angel Numbers and Their Meanings

Expert celebrity psychic, Inbaal Honigman, explains what angel numbers are, and where you can find them.
“In spiritual circles, coincidences are never just coincidences. When we look at any message from the universe as meaningful, then every chance event can be related to an outcome or a prediction from the future. With the advent of the digital age, we are surrounded by numbers – in the car, on our screens, even receipts.
Numerological coincidences, such as seeing a number repeat, say at 11:11 every morning, or numbers in sequence, for example when the car has travelled 123.4 miles, is seen as otherworldly guidance from the universe.
Different numbers can mean different things, but as a general rule, if you see a lot of ‘Angel numbers’ or meaningful numerical coincidences, it’s a sign from the universe that you’re on the right path.”
Frequent angel numbers and what they mean –
111/1111 = This sequence is supporting you, it’s time to start manifesting what you want. You are open to positive energy and it is going to reward you.
222/2222 = The universe is encouraging you to wait. You need to be present in the here and now. Nurture your positive habits and increase your compassion, as finding balance is essential right now.
333/3333 = The universe is reminding you to immerse yourself in creativity. You need to nurture your gifts, as these angel numbers are providing you with luck and ambition. Creative pursuits will fill you with an abundance of happiness.
444/4444 = Seeing the number 4 repeated is a clear sign that the universe is watching over you, and that you are on the right path. It’s also a sign that love is all around you, you just need to be open to receiving it.
555/5555 = Change is coming. The universe is telling you that it will be okay, and not to resist change. It is a necessary part of life, even if it can be scary or uncomfortable. Seeing this angel number is a sign to get ready.
666/6666 = This sequence is often associated with being a dark, demonic number but in terms of angel numbers it is not a negative number at all. It displays a need to take responsibility for your own life, and to treat yourself with love and kindness.
777/7777 = The universe is reminding you that it’s time to breathe. Let go of everything that’s been weighing you down and go with the flow. It can also be a sign that financial stability is going to find its way to you, reducing your anxiety.
888/8888 = Seeing 8’s repeated is a huge positive sign from the universe. It shows that you are on the right path, the universe is carrying you on your path and you’re following its flow. Now is the time to take on everything that’s coming your way, it is sure to pay off.
999/9999 = This sequence represents the end of a cycle. It’s a reminder that you’re almost at the end of your goal and your hard work will be rewarded. The universe is with you through this change, and will help you start the next chapter of your life.