Discover the quality of The Commonwealth Tea Company

The Commonwealth Tea Company focus on creating a sustainable, environmentally-conscious and modern tea company.

  • 100% natural: all-natural ingredients including oils and essences in their teas for fantastic flavours and aromas.
  • 100% high quality: sourced from the best estates, their teas come from high-quality grades within the world of tea.
  • 100% fresh: bring teas as fresh as possible from gardens and estates to packaging.
  • 100% fair trade: sourced from suppliers and tea estates who work with their local communities to enhance the quality of life of employees and the social ecosystem around them.

Shop online to try the London-based company’s variety of black, green, infusion, oolong and white teas, suitable for all preferences. For those who are tea enthusiasts, there is a subscription option with benefits available.

30 tea bags monthly subscription: £30.00 / month for 12 months – 3 sleeves of 10 pyramid tea bags and exclusive membership to The Commonwealth Tea Club where subscribers can attend afternoon tea, tea-tasting sessions and masterclasses.