Could your pillows be the reason you’re getting work fatigue? – Here’s how to beat it

Brits feeling exhausted at work are being urged to review their choice of pillow in order to get a better night’s sleep and help them feel energised and refreshed during the workday.

The interior experts at are encouraging British workers to regularly switch their pillows to allow for better sleep and to feel energised the next day.

Signs of work fatigue include excessive yawning, a constant feeling of tiredness and generally being worn out during the work day.

Over time, pillows become worn out and lumpy from excessive usage which can cause an uncomfortable night’s sleep and result in workers feeling drained on shift.

Experts suggest that pillows could play a massive factor in workplace tiredness and are recommending Brits change their pillows once a year to beat work fatigue and help them feel lively again.

They urge workers to carefully consider which types of pillows to turn to, as each has its own added benefit when it comes to getting a decent night’s sleep.

Those struggling to sleep due to neck and shoulder pain may find memory foam pillows could help as they can reduce pressure on the spine.

Switching to silk pillowcases can help cool down sweaty sleepers due to their chilling effect, along with added benefits of improving skin and hair health.

Nic Shacklock from said: “Everybody wants to get a perfect night’s sleep to avoid waking up and feeling drained before heading off to work.

“The importance of pillows is often overlooked, as many tend to blame a poor night’s sleep on the quality of the mattress or the bedding material while relying on their standard choice of headrest.

“This is why we wanted to explore the importance of pillows when it comes to sleep and how certain types can help workers get some decent shut-eye and feel energised so they can get their creative flows running again.

“We’ve found how switching to memory foam pillows can improve the sleep quality for those suffering from neck pain and how a change in the material should be made once a year to prevent a night of poor sleep.”

Here are the top five types of pillows found by to help workers beat work fatigue and get the perfect night’s sleep:

Memory foam
The pillow foam moulds to your neck and head which helps to reduce the strain on the spine, making it easier to have a better night’s sleep. Knee pillows made out of memory foam can help to take pressure from the spine and enhance a night of sleep even further.

Polyester – V pillows
The V-shaped pillows made out of polyester are useful for those struggling to sleep due to anxiety as it provides extra comfort and support. It’s also recommended to aid snorers as it elevates the head to allow for clearer airways.

Feather is one of the most common types of pillows along with down pillows, but they are still favoured due to their relaxing feel. Their softer feel can help you sink into a blissful night’s sleep, but be cautious as they can wear out quite quickly.

Bamboo pillows can prevent those with allergies from having a disturbed night’s sleep due to their antiallergic material. They’re also an environmentally friendly option, along with bamboo bedding.

Silk pillowcases
The lightweight feel of silk pillows has a natural cooling effect which can make it easier for night sweaters to get to sleep and not wake up dripping. Swapping to silk pillowcases can help to improve hair health as the material results in less friction during the night. It’s also praised for aiding skin quality as it’s less rough on sensitive faces.