Cornwall’s message to the next Prime Minster


Message to the next Prime Minster from Cornwall

The next Prime Minster – whether that’s Liz Truss or Rishi Sunak – has been sent a loud and clear message from Cornwall demanding urgent innovation funding to help SMEs at a “critical time”.

Kim Conchie, CEO of Cornwall Chamber of Commerce, said: “After many years of government neglect and in an era of labour shortages, SMEs are paddling against the tide to meet demand and stay afloat. Productivity is a huge issue. With the support of EU nationals which Cornwall so heavily relied on, no-longer an option, businesses need to work smarter and tap into automation efficiencies.

“The UK is at the bottom of the list in terms of productivity among G7 counterparts – and unfortunately, that is in no small part due to Cornwall and our recruitment challenges. Our businesses are doing brilliant things but across all sectors they are struggling to find the people and skills needed to keep things thriving. Productivity is core to the solution. We need innovation funding at this critical time to find better ways of working. To the next Prime Minster, do what your predecessors have failed to do and put innovation funding at the top of the agenda.”