Climate Party Issues Open Letter to Prime Minister

Formally launched on Monday 5 September, the Climate Party leadership has today written to Prime Minister Truss urging the adoption of a bold plan to insulate and install solar panels on every home in Britain NOW.

The centre right, pro-business Climate Party advocates for massive capital investment to solve the UK’s energy security challenge once and for all.

Climate Party leader, Ed Gemmell says:

“The government has confirmed in its mini-budget on Friday that it is about to embark on a massive pay-out to temporarily help British people get through the energy crisis. While this is desperately needed to protect the vulnerable, all indications are that we could be in the same position again in 18 months time. So we are calling on the Prime Minister to immediately initiate a capital investment programme that is comparable in scale, to rapidly insulate and install solar panels on all British homes now — and solve the energy crisis for families once and for all.”

The Climate Party refers to a 6 September letter from Lord Deben, Chair of the Climate Change Committee and Sir John Armitt, Chair of the National Infrastructure Commission which urged doubling down on efforts to end Britain’s dependence on gas.

Dr Victoria Hurth, independent advisor to the Climate Party, says:

“Universal insulation of Britain’s homes and installation of renewables is long overdue. Now is the moment to get this done. The payback time has shortened for such investments as the price of energy has sky-rocketed. Taking such measures also helps hugely on the path to decarbonisation.”

The letter emphasises that this is core Conservative policy involving pro-business capital investment, not handouts to which Liz Truss has stated her opposition.