Chance to Reform Adult Social Care; Pillar of Economy & Society

Care England, the largest representative body of independent adult social care providers, has today submitted its response to the Budget 2021.
Professor Martin Green OBE, Chief Executive of Care England, says:
“COVID-19 has created a new reality for both the country and the adult social care sector. It is therefore right and proper that the Chancellor’s forthcoming Budget recognises the support which the adult social care sector needs in both the short, medium and longer term. It is abundantly clear that now is the time for long term reform, no more sticking plasters. The Government should see those funds which it allocates to the sector as an investment in critical national infrastructure. We estimate that the sector’s role in the UK economy is set to grow both as a consequence of an ageing population and in the short term, owing to rising unemployment in other parts of the economy.”
Care England’s submission highlights the following issues:
- The changing cost and operation reality that has been imposed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- The intervention which the Treasury can make in the sphere of insurance to assist the adult social care sector.
- The existing and potential role which the adult social care sector can continue play as a valuable employer in the UK’s job market.
- The need for a £7 billion injection into the adult social care sector, in line with the Commons Health and Social Care Committees call.
Martin Green continues:
“We are desperate for the Government to act upon its manifesto commitment to adult social care before it is too late. Local Authorities have in recent weeks posited fee increases of only 0.9% in some parts of the country whilst others have suggested no fee increase at all for care homes with nursing. Such pitiful fee increases which do not fully account for increases in the National Living Wage let alone care providers’ costs which have risen by as much as 10% during the pandemic, leaves the sector and those who rely on it in a very precarious situation”.