Celebrating the power of motherhood this Mother’s Day

To mark Mother’s Day this weekend (Sunday 14th March), Pandora asked 1,000 mothers across the UK how motherhood makes them feel, as well as what it is that their children can do to make them feel the most appreciated as a mother.
When asked how motherhood makes them feel, pride was the most popular emotion (44%) followed by happiness (37%).
How motherhood makes you feel:
Proud – 44%
Happy – 37%
Loved – 35%
This supports what mothers see as the most powerful thing about motherhood, with 48% saying it is the love they have for their child followed by watching their child grow up.
The most powerful thing about motherhood:
The love you have for your child – 48%
Watching my child(ren) grow up – 18%
Bringing a new life into the world – 9%