Businessman ‘shocked by huge reaction’ to 10,000 misprinted #freeBrittany t-shirts

A British businessman has been left pleasantly surprised by the huge reaction and demand for his T shirts supporting the #freeBritney movement, despite a hilarious spelling error.
Since 2008, Britney’s dad Jamie Spears has been legally in charge of her estate and other aspects of her personal life. However, after hearing of the 39-year-old’s lack of freedom – which restricts her from getting married again or having more children – fans began the #freeBritney movement.
But while the row has remained quiet for many years, the documentary ‘Framing Britney Spears’ documentary brought the issue back to the public’s attention, and on the 23rd June, Britney appeared in court to appeal to the judge to end her conservatorship once and for all.
Yet, after her appearance, sparking a media storm, it was revealed that the judge had ruled not to remove her father after all. The fight continued on the 14th July, where Spears was told she could appoint her own solicitor.
Karl Baxter, Managing Director at Wholesale Clearance UK, wanted to support the star’s fight for conservatorship by printing a line of Britney-inspired t-shirts. However, he was left with 10,000 units of misprinted #freeBrittany t-shirts – the name of the popular French region.
The t-shirts were given to the wholesaler after a major mishap in the design phase in which the famous star’s name was spelt wrong by his suppliers.
Despite the incident, Mr Baxter began his appeal to the public, hoping they wouldn’t take offence to the misprint and be willing to help him raise money for the star’s fans in their #freebritney movement.
The wholesaler hoped that fans may see past his mistake and invest in the t-shirts at a discounted price of £3.99 so that he can raise the money to support Britney and her fan’s movement.
Following his appeal, he has been left shocked after hundreds of fans emailed and left comments requesting one of the t-shirts, in the UK, US and all around the world.
Surprisingly, the appeal has even alerted the people of Brittany, who got in touch to share their interest in the hashtag.
Earlier this year, reports revealed France’s Constitutional Council struck down a bill allowing schools to teach for the majority of the day in minority languages such as Basque, Breton and Corsican. A variety of French individuals in Brittany have expressed interest in purchasing the hashtag t-shirts, to support the U.S. singer and to stand for their own political rights.