Business booms for high-quality lifting equipment supplier Midland Pallet Trucks with record lockdown orders

The materials handling equipment retailer, Midland Pallet Trucks has reported a boom in orders during the second nationwide lockdown as more and more employers invest in the wellbeing of their staff and strive to keep up with ecommerce retail demand.
With orders for pallet trucks, manual stacker trucks and lift tables reaching record levels, the business has noticed an impressive upturn in orders since the latest HSE annual report was published a few weeks ago. The numbers related to workplace accidents show a small reduction in work-related musculoskeletal disorders for 2019/2020 although the construction, agriculture and forestry industries reported higher than average rates.
Although a generally downward trend has been recorded, the number of days lost due to short and long term musculoskeletal disorders stands at 8.9 million with 480,000 workers being affected. This has a direct, detrimental economic impact on industries that have already suffered losses due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. According to the data published by the HSE, work-related musculoskeletal disorders have contributed to £16.2 billion costs of work-related injury and ill-health in the past 12 months.
With many businesses concentrating on increasing their productivity and safeguarding the wellbeing of their workers, Midland Pallet Trucks has seen sales rocket. It has shipped a large order of 24 manual stacker trucks to the Ministry of Defence and supplied a courier company with almost two dozen semi-electric trucks in the last week, which will allow it to keep its shipments moving quickly and delivers on track as the ecommerce boom seems a surge in parcel delivery.
Midland Pallet Truck managing director, Phil Chesworth said “As industry begins to gear up once more, we’re processing more large orders than ever and shipping dozens of pieces of essential materials handling equipment out to customers to help them keep up with their own influx of businesses. We expect that December will continue to be busy as businesses across the country race to do as much as possible before the end of the year.