Award-winning photographer puts engineering students in the picture

An award-winning local photographer put engineering students in the picture recently when the University of Wolverhampton Race Team (UWR) was the subject of a photograph that scooped an accolade at a recent awards ceremony.
This is the winning shot, taken last year at a windswept Donington Park as the University of Wolverhampton Racing (UWR) team worked hard on fixing an issue with the rear suspension.
Wolverhampton born, Andi said: “I’ve had a camera in my hand since I was 12 or 13 years old and I’ve photographed all sorts of things over the years. I’m also a lifelong petrolhead, but I had never combined my two passions as I didn’t think I would have had the access to the places and cars I would have needed.
“Then, in 2018, I met Terry Gibson, Head of Alumni & Development at the University, at a business networking event. He was introduced as UWR and I made sure I said hello. I started photographing UWR in 2019 and covered the whole F3 Cup season as well as a couple of the Morgan races. 2020 was 2020 and I also missed 2021, but I was back in the paddock last year and I’m still going strong.
“I love being at race tracks. The atmosphere is unique and, to me, very special. The cars are all great, but the most interesting thing is the people running the cars. Especially when it’s a team doing it purely for the love of it, rather than for financial gain. The access I have is a real privilege and I revel in documenting the hard work and dedication of everyone involved with UWR.
“For documentary work I usually work in black and white – it’s by far my favourite medium. It forces the viewer to actually look at the contents of the image rather than being distracted by a cacophony of colour. It also helps the photos stand out from the morass of polychromatic images we’re all bombarded with every day.
“Sometimes, however, an image just cries out for colour. Usually an image such as this one, which, funnily enough, has little colour anyway. In this shot, colour highlights the faces of the students and, to a lesser extent, the subject of their ‘devotion’ – the components that make up the back of the car.
“Just as I don’t usually shoot in colour, I don’t normally name my shots, but this one has a name – it’s called ‘The Disciples’. It just shouted at me!
“After all, that is what we all are, disciples of the automotive world and motorsport in particular. Passionate, dedicated and (dare I say it?) obsessive.
“I will forever take photos just for the joy of it, but it is very nice to be recognised by my peers.”
UWR is made up of students undertaking a variety of degrees including Motorsport, Automotive, Aerospace, Manufacturing, Mechanical and Chemical Engineering in the School of Engineering at the Telford Innovation Campus based in Priorslee. It is part of the University’s commitment to producing graduates who can apply both theory and practice in the industry, offering them hands-on experience to equip them with real-world skills to boost their employability.
UWR takes part in the IMechE Formula Student competition and are developing two Morgan Plus Fours for racing on behalf of the Morgan Motor Company. The team also raced in the inaugural Praga Cup last year after being crowned Formula Three Cup Class Champions in 2021.