Timing is key – don’t put your Christmas tree up too soon, warns expert

The festive season is just around the corner but when should people be putting up their Christmas tree and decorations? The Christmas tree experts at Pines and Needles have the answer you need to ensure you’re getting the most out of your tree.

As each year passes, it does seem as though the anticipation of Christmas starts a little earlier and 2022 seems to be no exception to that, particularly with Halloween now out of the way. However, timing is everything if you’re opting for a real Christmas tree, explains Veronika Kusak, Director at Pines and Needles, who has shared their tips to get the best out of your tree this year.

“If you’re buying a real Christmas tree, and want it to last till the New Year, you really shouldn’t put it up before 1st of December, otherwise you’ll be left with a less-than-fresh tree before the big day,” advised Veronika.

Understandably, people are excited in the run up to Christmas and getting the tree up and decorated is one of the most magical things to do but I would encourage people to not be too hasty.”

“Real trees give you the most incredible, fresh smell and provide that real wow factor. There’s also the excitement of being able to choose your very own tree every Christmas. However, it’s important to remember that they are living things, and once they are brought inside, the clock is ticking.”

With the Christmas adverts due to land any day now, Veronika is urging people to think ahead.

“It’s been another difficult year for most, so I completely understand why families – particularly those with young children – want to put their Christmas tree up early but I’d just encourage those having a real fir tree to consider the timings more. The timing is key,” she said.

“Given that we’re currently in the midst of a cost of living crisis, it’s no surprise that people are wanting to get the most out of their Christmas tree – and there are a number of ways you can do so.”

Here are Pines and Needles’ top tips to prolong the life of your Christmas tree:

Trim the trunk

Before you put your tree up, saw off the bottom 1” (3cm) of the trunk. This creates a fresh cut and opens up the pores in the bark, which otherwise can block up with sap after a few hours of being cut. The tree is then able to drink water through these pores via capillary action. Pines and Needles do this to all their trees so you don’t have to! 

Water your tree

You have to think of your tree like cut flowers as that is essentially what it is. You always keep your flowers topped up with water so you need to do the same with your Christmas tree.

Place your tree in plain water – not soil or sand which would block the pores in the bark. This is best achieved by using a specially designed reservoir Christmas tree stand.

Then keep on watering it!

Keep the Christmas tree stand topped up with water. Your Christmas tree may drink 2-3 pints (1-2 litres) of water per day, depending on its size and your central heating settings. This is very important as once the water level drops below the tree’s trunk, sap will re-seal the bark, preventing the tree from drinking any further water even if you then re-fill the Christmas tree stand. 

Keep the tree away from heat sources (and air conditioning!)

Of course there’s nothing lovelier than a beautifully decorated Christmas tree beside a glorious, roaring fireplace – but along with candles, radiators and frayed Christmas lights, a regularly used fireplace could contribute to your tree drying out at a much quicker rate, so try to keep your tree as far away from heat. Air conditioning, which dries the air, is also not a friend to your tree.

Trees are like people – they need routine

Do not expose your tree to sudden changes in temperature. Trees, like most people, are creatures of habit and prefer steady conditions and gradual changes.

Timing is everything

Christmas trees are natural living things, time the arrival of your tree with this in mind to increase longevity and get the best out of it.