Coventry University political scientist and constitutional expert on what can we expect from Rishi Sunak as Prime Minister

Coventry University political scientist and constitutional expert on what can we expect from Rishi Sunak as Prime Minister

Rishi Sunak is now the UK’s 57th prime minister after being invited to form a government by King Charles III.

Sunak is the first British Asian prime minister and the youngest PM since 1812.

The 42-year-old replaces Liz Truss to become the third UK Prime Minister in seven weeks and after being selected by Tory MPs to lead the country on Monday, he warned the country faced a “profound economic challenge”.

Coventry University political scientist and constitutional expert Professor Matt Qvortrup is available for Zoom, Teams and written interviews about outgoing PM Truss’ legacy and what we can expect from Sunak.

Prof Qvortrup can offer insight on:

· What we can expect Sunak’s leadership style to be

· How Sunak will approach the economic challenges facing the UK

· How former Chancellor Sunak will approach the other areas of government like health and defence

· What we can expect Sunak’s leadership style to be

· Does Sunak boost the Conservative’s re-election chances?

· What does Sunak’s victory mean for Boris Johnson’s future and the cult of Boris Johnson

· What his Cabinet says about what we can expect from his leadership

· Can Sunak unite the Conservative party?