war in Ukraine and Poland’s growing role were the main topics of the first day of Krynica Forum ’22 conference

Bartłomiej Radziejewski, Program Director of Krynica Forum ’22, emphasised that the main objective of the congress is to try to respond to the challenges and immense transformations we are currently witnessing.

“We are facing the end of the world as we know it in terms of the international system. We are seeing this in Ukraine now, but this is just one of many signs of this profound reconstruction of the universal system or a chaotic transformation into something new, of which we can only see the silhouette so far. Also, in the social and civilizational context in matters of such vital importance as the digital or the energy revolution” – said Radziejewski.

According to Radziejewski the scale of changes and both political and intellectual challenges we are facing now are so vast that even “the world’s brightest minds cannot keep up with”.

“In this situation, the Krynica Forum must try to provide a conference response to these challenges” – emphasized Radziejewski.

Summarising the first day Radziejewski concluded that “it was a successful day of many important geopolitical and economic debates”.

“I consider the opening panel on the global impact and the global consequences of the war in Ukraine to be particularly noteworthy. There was also a remarkably interesting discussion about rebuilding Ukraine after the war as an opportunity for Polish business” – listed Radziejewski.

Radziejewski highlighted the discussions between diplomats and representatives of various industries on Poland’s growing importance on the international arena.

The first day of the Forum ended with the eagerly awaited, especially by internet users, Wojczal vs Bartosiak debate on New Model Army.

“Krynica Forum ’22 – Growth and Reconstruction”, held from October 19th – 21st, is an international event bringing together business, politics, and the world of science. Its goal is to strengthen the security, prosperity, social cohesion and economic position of Poland and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.