Google has the leading developer program, but Amazon is catching up


What makes a developer program stand out?
Research tracks 20+ of the leading developer programs

To attract developers, tech companies of all sizes are actively investing in Developer Relations teams and developer marketing activities, creating an abundance of resources, training programs, technical support, events, and community activities.

But which of these activities should be prioritised and how resources should be allocated to achieve long-term strategic goals?

SlashData research helps understand how developer programs measure against the competition. It does so by speaking directly with developers twice a year to learn who developers are, what tools and resources they use, and where they are going.

The latest data shows that developers are becoming increasingly involved in all stages of the decision-making process. Not only are they writing specifications for vendors and tooling choices, but they are also influencing decision-makers and budget holders.

What does that mean for developer programs?
The Developer Program Benchmarking tracks 20+ of the leading developer programs, and captures developer sentiment across more than twenty developer program attributes, ranging from documentation and sample code to mentoring programs and access to experts. Research insights help developer program leaders understand how their efforts compare against the rest.

This is a snapshot of the state of play for these developer programs. Three KPIs are used to create a 360° overview of how each developer program performs:
Adoption – How many developers use a vendor’s resources
Engagement – How frequently developers engage with the resources
Satisfaction – How developers rate their experience using the resources