The Power of Surge: Achieving big things quickly for you, your team, community, organisation … and the world

The logic of this book is irrefutable. A must-read for anyone who wants to get things done quickly and effectively or works in a ‘surge area’ such as the emergency services, business, disaster relief or project management, it offers the reader 13 great reasons to surge.

An original concept and read, Michael Waters is the only author writing on this subject, with his book taking the reader through the following stages: how to develop good surges, knowing what makes them successful, achieving lift-off, surging the surges themselves and using the best turbo-charge strategies. He also looks at mega surges – huge challenging projects such as those required to defeat climate change.

“Surge”. It’s THE word of the pandemic and every aspect of it. That’s no coincidence. Published just three days after the start of the March 2020 lockdown, its timing couldn’t be more pertinent. With its opening sentence “Have you ever been attacked by a virus?” this book, like Coronavirus, has made the word “surge” the word of our times. Offering useful and persuasive examples throughout, by the time the reader reaches the end of this highly readable and relevant self-help book, they are completely sold on the power of surge. Indeed if you can’t surge, there’s no way you can grab opportunities, or respond to problems effectively.