25-34 year olds 2.5 times more likely to cause damage their cars than over 65’s as new research reveals UK’s clumsiest drivers

Cold weather, extended periods of darkness, and challenging road conditions all pose heightened risks for drivers during the winter period. But who is more likely to cause bumps and scuffs during this demanding period?

In a recent nationwide survey, ALA Insurance asked the public to share their experiences with self-inflicted damage to their cars over the last 12 months, uncovering which cities and demographics are home to the ‘clumsiest’ drivers. The findings, based on responses from thousands of participants, provide a fascinating insight into driving habits across the UK.

25-34 Year Olds Crowned Clumsiest Age Group

When it comes to age groups, the survey found that 25-34 year olds are the clumsiest drivers, with almost three in five (59%) admitting to causing damage to their cars in the last year. To put this into perspective, this age group is 2.5 times more likely to have caused damage compared to those aged 65 and over.

18-24 year olds fared as safer drivers than their millennial counterparts with less than half (49%) sharing that they had caused damage to their car in the last year.

Newcastle Takes the Lead as the City with the Most Clumsy Drivers

According to the survey results, Newcastle emerges as the city with the ‘clumsiest’ drivers, with nearly half (45%) of respondents admitting to causing damage to their cars on one or more occasions in the past year. Following closely behind are London and Bristol, rounding out the top three cities where drivers are more prone to bumps, scratches, dents and more.

UK’s Cities With the Clumsiest Drivers

Liverpool Boasts the Least Clumsy Drivers

On the flip side, Liverpool takes the lead as the city with the least clumsy drivers. A remarkable contrast to Newcastle, only less than a third (29%) of drivers in Liverpool claimed to have caused damage to their cars over the same period. Cardiff and Sheffield also ranked among the cities with the least clumsy drivers.

UK’s Cities With the Least Clumsy Drivers

Men More Likely to Cause Damage to Their Cars

The study also reveals that men are statistically more likely to have caused damage to their cars. Over two-fifths (42%) of male respondents admitted to incidents of car damage in the past 12 months.

Callum Butler from ALA Insurance reveals some of the most common causes for scratches and dents to our cars:

“While drivers can’t always be held responsible for minor damage to our cars, here are a couple of simple ways you can avoid these unwanted incidents from happening.

“In busy car parks, always try to park away from other cars where you can. From shopping trolleys on the loose, to dinging doors and tight parking spaces, you’re automatically increasing your chances of car damage by not taking simple precautions.

“We may not be able to control the weather but you can mitigate the risks that come with windy conditions. If you park your car in a drive, try to keep surrounding trees and branches maintained to avoid them falling on to your car during any storms.

“Lastly, always practise defensive driving to avoid any bumps or minor collisions. Using your mirrors effectively and anticipating oncoming traffic is a simple way to keep you and your car safe from pesky run ins like knocked wing mirrors and scuffs when driving at low speeds.”